Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Whimsical Wednesday wk 3:
Also, note last week's Wizard of Whimsy in the side bar over yonder -----
Here's my whimsy for the week:
Giddyup (a one-line pen & ink drawing w/Inktense pencils)
When Giddyup was a little pup
his hair was blue and yellow
but then he washed with seaweed pulp
and now he's a bald old fellow.
Add your whimsy to the link below - THEN, NEXT TUESDAY you will have from 1am to 10pm (US Central Time) to vote on who should be the Wizard of Whimsy for the week (note - you can vote twice but not for yourself - after the Tuesday tally I will announce the results on Wednesday with the new invitaion to post. Keep posts kid-friendly. More questions: see "How do I play?" tab at the top of the blog.
add your post (new or old), come back on "Tally Tuesday" and vote - please only link the individual post and not your whole blog (clicking on the "add your link" will allow you to add your URL and name - email will never be given out - ever - I only use it to notify winners. You can then easily add your thumbnail image - check the "crop" feature before you submit)
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Also, check out the other whimsical offerings under the "more whimsy" tab above
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Wizard of Whimsy - wk 2:
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Whimsical Wednesday wk 2:
What's the deal with the electric eel?
He's not plugged in but his charge is real.
Add your whimsy to the link below - THEN, NEXT TUESDAY you will have from 1am to 10pm (US Central Time) to vote on who should be the Wizard of Whimsy for the week (note - you can vote twice but not for yourself - after the Tuesday tally I will announce the results on Wednesday with the new invitaion to post. Keep posts kid-friendly. More questions: see "How do I play?" tab at the top of the blog.
add your post (new or old), come back on "Tally Tuesday" and vote - please only link the individual post and not your whole blog (clicking on the "add your link" will allow you to add your URL and name - email will never be given out - ever - I only use it to notify winners. You can then easily add your thumbnail image - check the "crop" feature before you submit)
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Also, Look below to see last week's Wizard of Whimsy winner!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Wizard of Whimsy - wk 1:
Also, make sure you check out a couple of the funny things sent regarding last weeks question: What is whimsy? - they are posted at the bottom of that post: click here for a direct link or scroll down to the post on the 9th.
I have also added a whole lot more whimsical fun here (see the "more whimsy" tab above)
Here are links to all of last week's participants:
1. Sandy Coleman 2. Juniper's Dreams and Reality 3. Julie 4. loveandpeas/jenny | 5. Kay Day 6. Kristin Dudish 7. MerryDay 8. viajero | 9. Burcak Kafadar 10. Mother Henna 11. Kerry Schofield 12. JA |
Our Dictionary of Whimsicallity
use the "more whimsy" tab at the top of the blog to return to this post and watch it grow
Quotes of Whimsy
use the "more whimsy" tab at the top of the blog to return to this post and watch it grow
Whimsical Reads
use the "more whimsy" tab at the top of the blog to return to this post and watch it grow
On A Whim
use the "more whimsy" tab at the top of the blog to return to this post and watch it grow
Our Poem of Whimsical Pursuit: volume 1
use the "more whimsy" tab at the top of the blog to return to this post and watch it grow
Our Story of Whimsical Wonder: volume 1
use the "more whimsy" tab at the top of the blog to return to this post and watch it grow
Whimsy I've Heard Sung
use the "more whimsy" tab at the top of the blog to return to this post and watch it grow
Watching Whimsy
use the "more whimsy" tab at the top of the blog to return to this post and watch it grow
Our Whimsical Recipes
use the "more whimsy" tab at the top of the blog to return to this post and watch it grow
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Whimsical Wednesday wk 1:

one-line pen and ink drawing of a glump
The glump, he is a fishy fiend;
he’s mostly hollow but filled with mean.
Even though he’s the size of a nut;
he’ll start with your toe and eat you all up.
A Whimsical Wednesday wondering:
If I say the color green
what color in your mind is seen?
And if you truly do see green,
why’s that green the one that’s seen?
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
What is whimsy?
So, whimsical wizards of the blogoshpere:
"What exactly makes a piece whimsey?"
First off - you might have noticed the two spellings above: "whimsy" and "whimsey" - see how fun this is already, two spellings (both acceptable).
The New Oxford American Dictionary definition:
whimsy |ˈ(h)wimzē| (also whimsey)
noun ( pl. -sies or -seys)
playfully quaint or fanciful behavior or humor : the film is an awkward blend of whimsy and moralizing.
• a whim.
• a thing that is fanciful or odd : the stone carvings and whimsies.
ORIGIN early 17th cent. (in the sense [caprice] ): probably based on whim-wham .:
whimsical |ˈ(h)wimzikəl|
1 playfully quaint or fanciful, esp. in an appealing and amusing way : a whimsical sense of humor.
2 acting or behaving in a capricious manner : the whimsical arbitrariness of autocracy.
whimsicality |ˌ(h)wimziˈkalitē| noun
whimsically |-ik(ə)lē| adverb
Here's what you sent in:
Because of the phrase "on a whim" I think that maybe it can't be planned. Whimsey just happens and it's delightful when it does.
Whimsy is just fun, free and flowing--no agenda other than joy.
How about charming, delightful,carefree, uplifting, airy, pretty, sweet.
I think of whimsy as fun and light-hearted.
British people being silly
Edward Lear:

A statue in Australia intentionally erected upside down: